Section 7D.7B - 2021 (Mar & Apr)

MW2047 Restoration Progress (March)

With Covid-19 restrictions beginning to show signs of easing is it hoped to

make a limited return to SVR Bewdley in mid March to take part in a Grand

Shunt which is intended to release the chassis of GWR 2-6-2T No.4150 ready

for its journey up to Bridgnorth (to be re-united with the overhauled boiler).

The shunt was started in week commencing 8th March but had to be curtailed

due to state of trackwork. The SVR P. Way team have now re-laid the offending

section and it is hoped to resume the shunt in week commencing 29th March.

At the same time it is alsointended to move the chassis of MW2047 into the

covered area previously occupied by 4150.

Down Yard @ SVR Bewdley 12.3.21


Photo:   Robert Downes

Down Yard Siding @ SVR Bewdley 16.3.21


Photo:   Brent Cleeton

Down Yard Siding @ SVR Bewdley 17.3.21


Photo:   Rob Steward

Down Yard Siding @ SVR Bewdley 17.3.21


Photo:   Brent Cleeton

Down Yard Siding @ SVR Bewdley 19.3.21


Photo:   Brent Cleeton

Breaking News! - MW2047 moved under cover on 30.3.21




0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Locomotive chassis in the process

of being shunted at SVR Bewdley

on Tuesday 30th March 2021.


Photo:   Richard Herington



0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


 Old boiler, smokebox & saddletank

in the process of being shunted at SVR

Bewdley on Tuesday 30th March 2021.


Photo:   Brian Hill



0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Old boiler, saddletank and locomotive 

Chassis being shunted in the down yard at

SVR Bewdley on Tuesday 30th March 2021.


Photo:   Brian Hill


0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Locomotive installed in its new home

(vacated by GWR 2-6-2T No.4150) at SVR

Bewdley on Tuesday 30th March 2021.


Photo:   4150 Group

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Another view of locomotive installed

in its new home at SVR Bewdley on

Tuedsay 30th March 2021.


Photo:   Anthony Howard

MW2047 Restoration Progress - April 2021

With the SVR re-opening from 12th April restoration work has now resumed on MW2047.

On 18th April the site was given a tidy up and the rear frames of the locomotive were uncovered and given a first coat of black gloss paint. Plans are also being made to move the new buffer beams from their current location adjacent to the goods shed wall to

a new location much closer to the locomotive. A spare A frame has been found at Bridgnorth which will be used to lower old beams and lift new beams into position

and it is hoped to transport this frame to Bewdley shortly.

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


 Front view of locomotive inside

its new home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


View of Saddletank, old boiler and

locomotive chassis in new home at

SVR Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


View of saddletank, smokebox and

old boiler in new home at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Front view of locomotive chassis

inside new home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Rear view of locomotve chassis

inside new home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Rear view of locomotive chassis

inside new home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Refurbished steam brake cylinder

assembly at SVR Bewdley on

Sunday18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


New front & rear bufferbeams under

cover alongside the goods shed at

SVR Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Locomotive components inside

new home at SVR Bewdley on

Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Inside rear frames (LH) prior to receiving

a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Inside rear frames (RH) prior to receiving

a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Rear frames (LH view) prior to being

given a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Rear frames (RH view) prior to being

given a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


LH Inside frame after being given

a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


RH Inside frame after being given

a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


LH view of rear frames after being

given a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


RH view of rear frames after being

given a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


LH rear frame after being given

a coat of black gloss paint at SVR

Bewdley on sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Inside RH frame and brake gear

after being given a coat of black

gloss paint at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


Overall view of locomotive inside

its new home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


View of saddletank, old boiler & locomotive

chassis in its mew home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)

0-6-0ST MW2047 Warwickshire


View of entrance to locomotives

new home at SVR Bewdley

on Sunday 18th April 2021.


(photo:   David Cooke)