0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in the process of
being overhauled and repainted in blue livery
to become 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Bridgnorth in November 1993.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in the process of
being overhauled and repainted in blue livery
to become 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR Bridgnorth in November 1993
(photo: David Cooke)
The cab of 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in the
process of being repainted in blue livery at
SVR Bridgnorth in November 1993.
(photo: David Cooke)
In the process of being
painted in blue livery at
SVR Bridgnorth Boiler
Shop in November 1993.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in light blue
undercoat prior to being finished
in 'Thomas the Tank Engine' livery
at SVR Bridgnorth in January 1994.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in New Blue
Livery as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at
SVR Kidderminster in May 1994. This was
the first 'Thomas' Event held at the SVR
with HE686 in the lead role.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in September 1994.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in September 1994.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' livery at SVR Bewdley in September 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue livery Towing
from SVR Bridgnorth
down to Bewdley
in August 1996.
(photo: courtesy of Andy Poole)
In blue livery towing
at SVR Arley whilst on
the journey from
Bridgnorth to Bewdley
in August 1996.
(photo: courtesy of Andy Poole)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in May 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery as
'Thomas the Tank Engine' at Kidderminster,
Severn Valley Railway in May 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686of 1898 in black
MSC livery as No.14 'St. John'
at SVR Kidderminster in mid
November 1998 with WILT
Members David Cooke,
Richard Sherwood, Ken
Griffiths & Richard Cooke.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in black
MSC livery as No.14 'St. John'
at SVR Kidderminster in
mid November 1998.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in MSC Railway
Black Livery as No.14 'St. John' at SVR Kidderminster in November 1998 during
the loco's Centenary Celebrations.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in black MSC
livery emerging from SVR Bewdley Tunnel
with a Kidderminster to Bewdley shuttle
service on 15th November 1998.
(photo: courtesy of Dave Hill)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in black MSC
livery at Rifle Range with an SVR Bewdley to Kidderminster shuttle
service on 15th November 1998.
(photo: courtesy of Dave Hill)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in MSC Railway
Black Livery as No.14 'St. John' at SVR
Bewdley in November 1998 during
the loco's Centenary Celebrations.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in MSC Black Livery
as No.14 'St. John' waiting to depart from
SVR Kidderminster with the shuttle
service to Bewdley in November 1998.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in MSC Rly. black livery
as No.14 'St. John' at SVR Bewdley with shuttle
service from Kidderminster in November 1998.
(photo: David Cooke)
In black MSC Rly. livery
as No.14 'St. John' at SVR
Bewdley with shuttle service
from Kidderminster in
November 1998.
(photo: David Cooke)
in black MSC livery as
No.14 'St. John' at SVR Kidderminster in mid November 1998.
(photo: WILT Archive)
in black MSC livery as
No.14 'St. John' at SVR Kidderminster in mid November 1998.
(photo: WILT Archive)
in black MSC livery as No.14 'St. John'at SVR Kidderminster in mid November 1998.
(photo: WILT Archive)
in black MSC livery
as No.14 'St. John' at
SVR Kidderminster in
mid November 1998.
(photo: WILT Archive)
in black MSC livery as No.14 'St. John' at
SVR Kidderminster in mid November 1998.
(photo: WILT Archive)
in black MSC livery as No.14 'St. John' at SVR
Kidderminster in mid November 1998.
(photo: WILT Archive)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in May 1999.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue 'Thomas the
Tank Engine' livery at
SVR Highley during a
WILT Members Day
in June 1999.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue livery as 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' with
0-4-0ST P1738 of 1928
in green livery as 'Percy'
at SVR Kidderminster
in September 1999.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue ivery as 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' with
0-4-0ST P1738 of 1928
in green livery as 'Percy'
at SVR Kidderminster
in September 1999.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue
'Thomas' livery at SVR Kidderminster
before working a WILT Members
Special Train to Highley
in November 2001.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' livery at SVR Kidderminster
prior to working a WILT Members Special
Train to Highley in November 2001.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' livery prior to taking
water at SVR Highley in November 2001.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue
'Thomas the Tank Engine' livery
taking water at SVR Highley
in November 2001.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas the
Tank Engine' livery at SVR Kidderminster prior
to working a WILT Members Special Train to
Bridgnorth in November 2003.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue 'Thomas the
Tank Engine' livery at
SVR Arley whilst working
a WILT Members Special
Train to Bridgnorth
in November 2003.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas the
Tank Engine' livery at SVR Highley whilst
working a WILT Members Special Train to
Bridgnorth in November 2003.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Bridgnorth whilst working a
WILT Members Special Train from
Kidderminster in November 2003.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' livery at SVR Bridgnorth
prior to working the return leg of a WILT
Members Special Train in November 2003.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas the Tank Engine' livery at SVR Bridgnorth whilst working a WILT Members Special Train from Kidderminster
in November 2003.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Hampton Loade working a WILT
Members Special Train in November 2003.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue
livery with WILT Members at SVR
Hampton Loade in November 2003
whilst working a Special Train from
Kidderminster to Bridgnorth.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
in the bay at SVR Hampton Loade in
November 2003 whilst working a WILT
Members special Train.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue
livery taking water at SVR Bewdley
whilst working a WILT Members
Special Train in November 2003.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Highley engaged in a WILT
Members Day giving brake van
rides to visitors in August 2004.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
giving brake van rides to visitors at
Members Day in August 2004.
(photo: DavidCooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Highley during a WILT Members
Day in August 2004.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Highley taking water during a
WILT Members Day in August 2004.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
Plus LMS 2-6-0 No.42968 (Henry)
and GWR 0-6-0PT No.5764 (Duck)
at SVR Kidderminster during
Event on 15th May 2005.
(photo: courtesy of Michael Warren)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
in the shed yard at SVR Bridgnorth
sometime in 2005.
(photo: SVR)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Kidderminster on
14th May 2006.
(photo: courtesy of Pewari)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at
SVR Bewdley on 14th May 2006.
(photo: courtesy of Mark Menzies)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue
livery as 'Thomas the Tank Engine'
at SVR Kidderminster in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Kidderminster prior to working
a WILT Members Evening Special
Train to Highley in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
prior to working a WILT Members Evening
Special Train to SVR Highley in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
at SVR Highley after hauling
a WILT Members Special
Train on 13th May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue 'Thomas' livery
at SVR Highley whilst
working a WILT Members
Special Train on 13th May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
In blue 'Thomas' livery
at SVR Highley whilst working
a WILT Members Special
Train on 13th May 2006.
(photo: David cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue
livery as 'Thomas the Tank Engine'
together with GWR 2-6-2T No.4566
at SVR Bewdley in May 2006.
(photo: WILT Archive)
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at
SVR Kidderminster on
9th September 2006.
(photo: courtesy of Wufruna)
In blue livery just South
of SVR Bridgnorth on
4th February 2007.
(photo: courtesy of John Keigthley)
In blue livery as 'Thomas
the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in
August 2008.
(photo: WILT Archive)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in August 2008.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
Livery at SVR Kidderminster in May 2009.
This would be the last year of active service
for the locomotive prior to being withdrawn
due to boiler and other problems.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in May 2009.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in May 2009.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue livery
as 'Thomas the Tank Engine' at SVR
Kidderminster in May 2009.
(photo: David Cooke)