Section 7D.6C - 2020 (Apr & May)

MW2047 Restoration Progress - April & May 2020

 Unfortunately, Restoration Work on MW2047 has had to be suspended due to the Cororonavirus (Covid 19) Pandemic. It is hoped work can re-start when circumstances allow. Watch this space for any news of when this is due to occur.

(See link below - Section 7D.6D - 2020 (June)

In the meantime, an appeal for £50,000 has been lauched to fund the completion of 'Warwickshire' in time for the locomotive's Centenary in 2026 (see leaflet in Section

12A - 'Warwickshire' Appeal). Sufficient funds still remain for the deposit and first stage payments on a new boiler, but more money is required to complete thepurchase of the boiler and to cover the fitting of vacuum brake controls and steam heating gear

so that 'Warwickshire' may again become

A really usefull engine