Since the arrival of HE686 on the SVR in July 1969 we have been fortunate to have both locomotives in steam together on a number of occasions both at Bridgnorth and Bewdley. This somewhat rare event occured mainly in 1969, 1971 and 1972 (when both locomotives were used during the filming of a BBC 'Horizon' Programme about famous railway accidents - such as the Clayton Tunnel Disaster). However, the locomotives were seen together on other occasions (such as 1993, 1994 and 1995) but then only one (or none) was in steam. Since 1997 when MW2047 was moved to the Kidderminster Railway Museum the two locos could still be seen together when 'Thomas the Tank Engine' was appearing at Kidderminster (1995-9 and 2002-9).
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 and
newly arrived 0-6-0T HE No.686
'The Lady Armaghdale' together
at SVR Bridgnorth in August 1969.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 'The Lady Armaghdale' soon after arrival at SVR Bridgnorth together with 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 in September 1969.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady
No.2047 of 1926 together at SVR
Bridgnorth in April 1970.
(photo: WILT Archive)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'
and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 appear behind
GWR 0-6-0 No.3205 at SVR Bridgnorth in May 1970.
(Photo: David Idle)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' and 0-6-0T HE No.686
double heading a train out of
SVR Bridgnorth in April 1971.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'
and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 depart from SVR
Bridgnorth with an ECS working in April 1971.
(photo: WILT Archive)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'
and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 front ends
together at SVR Bridgnorth in April 1971.
(photo: Michael Shaw)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' in steam together at SVR Bridgnorth in June 1971.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' and 0-6-0T HE No.686
'The Lady Armaghdale' together at SVR Bridgnorth in August 1971.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' in steam together at SVR Bridgnorth in August
(photo: David Cooke)
'Warwickshire' (with cab removed)
being shunted by 0-6-0T HE No.686
of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' at
SVR Bridgnorth in August 1971.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' together at SVR Bridgnorth in September 1971. Note
MW2047 has had cab removed to cure
a steam leak under the firebox cladding.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' and
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'
together at SVR Bridgnorth in November 1971.
(photo: David Williams)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire' at SVR Bridgnorth
in January 1972.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' both in steam at SVR
Bewdley in March 1972 whilst engaged
in filming duties for the BBC.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047
of 1926 'Warwickshire' both in steam
at SVR Bewdley in March 1972 whilst
engaged in filming duties for the BBC.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady
Armaghdale' in use at SVR Bewdley
with 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926
'Warwickshire' visible in the distance
in March 1972 whilst engaged in
filming duties for the BBC.
(photo: David Cooke)
'Warwickshire' and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady
Armaghdale' at SVR Bewdley
in March 1972 whilst engaged
on filming duties for the BBC.
(photo: David Cooke)
No.686 of 1898 'TheLady Armaghdale'
being hand coaled st SVR
Bridgnorth in April 1972.
(photo: David Idle)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady
Armaghdale' and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047
Bridgnorth in November 1972. This would
be the last time the locos would be seen
together for some time as HE686 was dismantled for overhaul shortlyaftewards.
(photo: David Cooke)
A rare photo of 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926
'Warwickshire' (frames only) and 0-6-0T HE No.686
of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' together again briefly behind Platform 2 at SVR Bridgnorth in August 1989. Note that HE686 now has a modified cab
with round windows.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' being re-assembled for static display and 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' partly dismantled at SVR Bridgnorth in August 1993.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale' and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire' both partly dismantled
at SVR Bridgnorth in September 1993.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 'The Lady Armaghdale'partly dismantled & 0-6-0ST
MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
partly re-assembled at SVR
Bridgnorth in September 1993.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' (partly re-assembled) and 0-6-0T HE No.686
of 1898 both in blue livery at SVR Bridgnorth
in February 1994.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
Livery moving off shed at SVR Bridgnorth alongside 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' in green livery
prior to the journey down to
Hampton Loade in July1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE686 No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
livery hauling BR 2-6-4T No.80079 and 0-6-0ST
MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' in green livery
at SVR Bridgnorth in July 1995.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
livery & 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' at SVR Bridgnorth
in July 1995.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas' livery and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' at SVR Bridgnorth
in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
livery and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926
'Warwickshire' departing from SVR
Bridgnorth heading down to Hampton
Loade in July 1995.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
in green livery with 0-6-0T HE No.686 in blue 'Thomas' livery in the bay platform at SVR Hampton Loade in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas' livery and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' in green livery in the
bay platform at SVR Hampton
Loade in July 1995.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
in green livery and 0-6-0T HE686 of 1898
in blue 'Thomas' livery in the bay platform
at SVR Hampton Loade in July 1995.
0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
livery with 0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926
'Warwickshire' in green livery visible in
the background at SVR Hampton
Loade in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
in green livery and 0-6-0T HE686 of 1898
in blue 'Thomas' livery at SVR Hampton
Loade in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
& 0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas'
livery at SVR Kidderminster in May 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas' livery
seen through the rear cab window of 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' at SVR
Kidderminster in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0T HE No.686 of 1898 in blue 'Thomas' livery
and 0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
at SVR Kidderminster in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)