0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Saddle Tank following rust removal and
addition of red oxide primer paint at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 11th January 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Inside frames ready to be primed after
removal of old paint at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 11th January 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Inside frames following application of red
oxide primer paint at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 11th January 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Leading and trailing driving wheels be
cleaned ready for painting following tyre
turning on wheel lathe at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 11th January 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Axleboxes, bearings and keeps awaiting
refurbishment at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 11th January 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Leading and trailing driving wheels
followingthe first coat of red oxide primer
paint at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday
25th January 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
View of inside frames and motion bracket
with old paint being removed at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 8th February 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Motion bracket and inside frame spacers
after first coat of red oxide primer paint
at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday
11th February 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 ' Warwickshire'
Outer frame getting second coat of red
oxide primer paint at SVR Bridgnorth
on 26th April 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Inner frames newly painted in red oxide
primer and motion bracket plus frame
spacers in red topcoat at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 26th April 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Leading & trailing driving wheels in
experimental green livery at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 26th April 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
LH cylinder block after having machined
faces cleaned up at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 12th July 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
RH cylinder block at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday
12th July 2015 after being returned from repair
to its exhaust passage. Unfortunately, although
this repair was a success,it has since been discovered
that a serious crack exists in the main cylinder bore
which cannot be rectified and this means the block will
need to be replaced with a new casting. A new CAD
drawing is being prepared so that the cost of a pattern
(probably polystyrene) and casting can be obtained.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Driving wheels in the process of being painted
at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday 12 July 2015.
Centre driving wheels (with cranks and
eccentrics) are nearest the camera.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Outside frames now given a first coat of
black gloss paint at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 12th July 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Some parts removed from the locomotive
have already been moved down to SVR
Bewdley and placed in secure storage
after cleaning and painting seen
here on 26th July 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Some parts removed from the locomotive
have been moved down to SVR Bewdley
and placed in secure storage seen
here on Sunday 26th July 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Valve Reach Rods on shelf at SVR Bewdley
and awaiting refurbishment on Sunday
26th July 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' New bearings for axleboxes which still
need to be machined to size prior to
fitting seen at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 26th July 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Spring hanger links after cleaning and
primed with red oxide paint at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 26th July 2015.
A new set of springs is being
manufactured and new pins wil
l also be required as old pins are
well worn and cannot be reused.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Inside frames now in red topcoat at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday 6th
September 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Axleboxes and new bearings in Machine
Shop at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday
6th September 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Bearing brass being milled to fit axlebox
(seen in background) at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 6th September 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Bearing being finished machined after
fitting in axlebox at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 6th September 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Set of axleboxes with bearings fitted
awaiting final machining at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 6th
September 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring hanger links in red oxide primer
paint at SVR Bridgnorth on
Sunday 18th October 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Cylinder castings (LH casting on left - with
cleaned up machine faces and RH casting
on right - with repaired exhaust passage
repaired) at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday 29th
November 2015. The castings had been removed
from secure storage to enable RH cylinder casting
to be accurately measured in order to make a 3D
CAD model leading to a new pattern and casting.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Driving wheel set after completion of
final painting - note revised green livery
(as close to original we could get) at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 29th November 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
View of inside frames painted in red topcoat
plus re-furbished coupling rods lying on
running plate at SVR Bridgnorth on
Sunday 29th November 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
View of finish painted inside frames plus
spring hanger links in black topcoat at
SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday 29th
November 2015.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Hanger Links and other Components
on the work bench inside the shared
workshop (with 15XX Pannier Tank Trust)
at SVR Bewdley on Sunday
14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Hanger Links in the process of being
refurbished inside the shared workshop
(with 15XX Pannier Tank Trust) at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Hanger Links being refurbished on
the work bench outside the shared workshop
(with 15XX Pannier Tank Trust) at SVR Bewdley
on Sunday 14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Spring Hanger Links being refurbished on
the work bench outside the shared workshop
(with 15XX Pannier Tank Trust) at SVR Bewdley
on Sunday 14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Hanger Links being reamed out inside
the workshop at SVR Bewdley by Robin Jones
on Sunday 14th February 2016. Links had
previously been rebushed by Members of
15XX Pannier Trust with whom we are
sharing facilities at Bewdley.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Spring Hanger Links in the process of being reamed out to size following the fitting of
new bushes in the workshop at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Cylinder Drain Cock Operating Gear
Components in the processof being
refurbished in theworkshop shared
with the 15XX Pannier TankTrust
at SVR Bewdley on Sunday
14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Components and hand tools on the work
bench inside the workshop shared with
15XX Pannier Tank Trust at SVR Bewdley
on Sunday 14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Hanger Links in the process of being
refurbished on the workbench inside the
workshop at SVR Bewdley (shared with
15XX Pannier Tank Trust) on Sunday
14th February 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Links fitted with new bushes, with
bores reamed to suit new pins and cylinder
drain cock gear in grey primer at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 24th April 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Spring Links in grey primer after being
re-bushed and bores reamed to suit new pins
at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 24th April 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Buffers (refurbished and primer coated) being
moved from SVR Bewdley back to Bridgnorth
on Sunday 8th May 2016. These need to refitted
to front bufferbeam prior to move to Bewdley.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Cylinder Valve Chest Cover being moved from
SVR Bewdley back Bridgnorth on Sunday
8th May 2016. This item and Front Covers
is to be dispatchedwith RH & LH Cylinder
Castings to Timsons of Kettering (where
New Cylinders are to be manufactured).
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926'Warwickshire'
Cylinder Covers and Buffers loaded into Van
at SVR Bewdley prior to being moved back
to Bridgnorth on Sunday 8th May 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Buffers and Cylinder Covers on a pallet at
SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday 8th May 2016. The
Buffers will be refitted to front bufferbeam
and the Cylinder Covers dispatched to
Timsons of Kettering (together with
RH & LH Cylinder Castings).
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Saddletank moved from Headshunt into Workshop
at SVR Bridgnorth on 8th May 2016. This move
may allow us to start work on repair &
restoration of this item.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Pattern for Cylinder Steam Inlet Flange at
SVR Bewdley on Sunday 3rd July 2016.
Purchase Order for New Cylinder
Castings has now been placed
with Timsons of Kettering.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Big End Bearings after being cleaned
up at SVR Bewdley on 3rd July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Collection of Studs, Nuts and Bolts prior to
being cleaned up and assessed for
possible further use at SVR Bewdley
on Sunday 3rd July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Collars and Spacers off Brake Gear Assembly
primed in red oxide at SVR Bewdley on
Sunday 3rd July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Newly painted Oil Pot Brackets hung up to
dry at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 3rd July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Recently restored Blast Pipe with
burnished copper nozzle at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 3rd July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Newly painted Brake Details (hangers and
blocks) at SVR Bewdley on
Sunday 3rd July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Slidebar Oil Pots prior to cleaning at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 31st July 2016.
(Photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire'
Brake Blocks and Hangers in Grey
Primer at SVR Bewdley on Sunday
31st July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire'
Cylinder Slidebar Oil Pots after
cleaning at SVR Bewdley on
Sunday 31st July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire'
Big End Retaining Bolts after
cleaning at SVR Bewdley on
Sunday 31st July 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire'
Brake Hangers in Grey Primer at
SVR Bewdley Sunday
14th August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire'
Brake Blocks in Black Topcoat at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 14th August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 'Warwickshire'
Motion details awaiting cleaning at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 14th August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Bolts, Nuts, Studs, Spacers and cotter Pins
following cleaning at SVR Bewdley on
Sunday 14th August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Brake Hangers in Black Topcoat at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 14th August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Slide Bar Retaining Bolts, Studs and
Spacers prior to cleaning at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 21st August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Slide Bar Retaining Bolts, Studs and Spacers
after cleaning at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 21st August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Brake Hangers and Blocks after a second coat of black gloss paint at SVR Bewdley
on Sunday 21st August 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Components on Shelves in Stores Van which
have been proped on Sunday 21st August prior to the 'Big Shunt' in September
2016 at SVR Bewdley.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Wooden Pattern Details for use with main
Polystyrene Patterns supplied by Baker
Patterns at SVR Bewdley on Sunday
18th September 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Components cleaned and painted at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 18th September 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire
Rear Spring Hangers and Pins at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 18th September 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Restoration of smaller components (i.e. nuts
& bolts) at SVR Bewdley on Sunday
18th September 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Small Components after cleaning ready to
be labelled and bagged at SVR Bewdley
on Sunday 18th September 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Patterns and Core Boxes for new Cylinders
at SVR Bridgnorth on Saturday 1st
October 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Patterns and Core Boxes for New Cylinders
at SVR Bridgnorth on Saturday 1st
October 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Patterns and core Boxes for New Cylinders
at SVR Bridgnorth on Saturday 1st
October 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Loose Pieces for use with Patterns for New
Cylinders at SVR Bridgnorth on Saturday
1st October 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926'Warwickshire'
Assorted small components prior to
sorting, derusting and painting at SVR bewdley on Sunday 2nd October 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Assorted small components after sorting
and derusting but prior to painting at SVR
Bewdley on Sunday 2nd October 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
LH & RH Injectors prior to
cleaning at SVR Bewdley on
Sunday 2nd October 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Assorted small components after cleaning, some painted with red
oxide at SVR Bewdley on Sunday
2nd October 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Assorted small components after
cleaning and painting with red oxide
at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 2nd
October 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Buffers in the Locomotive Stores at
SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday 20th
November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
New and Refurbished Springs in the
Locomotive Stores at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Small Components in the Locomotive Stores
at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday
20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Original Tool Box (in need of some repair)
in the Locomotive Stores at SVR Bridgnorth
on Sunday 20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Tools and Small Components in the
Locomotive Stores at SVR Bridgnorth
boxed ready for transport to Bewdley
on Sunday 20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Reversing Reach Rod in the Locomotive
Stores at SVR Bridgnorth on Sunday
20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Driving Wheels stored in Paint Shop at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Driving Wheel Crank Axle showing rusty
journals in the Paint Shop at SVR
Bridgnorth on Sunday 20th
November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Driving Wheels with journals newly oiled
in the Paint Shop at SVR Bridgnorth on
Sunday 20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Small components after arrival at SVR
Bewdley prior to being placed in
safe storage on Sunday
20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Refurbished set of cylinder bolts at SVR Bewdley on Sunday 20th November 2016.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
New Cylinder Castings Progress:-
Lower RH Mould with Lower
Bore Core Inserted at
Timsons, Kettering
on 16th December 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
New Cylinder Casting Progress:-
Right Hand Mould at Timsons,
Kettering on 16th December 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
New Cylinder Casting Progress:-
Steam Chest Core with Exhaust
Core Trial Inserted at Timsons,
Kettering on 16th December 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
New Cylinder Casting Progress:-
One of the Port Cores at Timsons,
Kettering on 16th December 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
New Cylinder Casting Progress:-
Right Hand Mould at Timsons,
Kettering on 16th December 2016.
(photo: Carl Jones)