0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' Back in green livery following Cosmetic
Restoration at Bridgnorth, Severn
(photo: Peter Kennard)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
In its new green livery in the
workshop at SVR Bridgnorth
in July 1995 shortly before being
towed down to Hampton Loade
for Static Display.
(photo: David Cooke)
'Warwickshire' in the shed
at SVR Bridgnorth with WILT
Member Catherine Cooke
on the footplate prior to the
locomotive being hauled
down to Hampton Loade
for display in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Being hauled out of the shed yard by BR
2-6-4T No.80079 at SVR Bridgnorth in July
1995. The locomotive had been cosmetically
restored for eventual static display at the
Kidderminster Railway Museum Whilst
funds were raised for a new boiler.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Being hauled out of the shed yard by BR
2-6-4T No.80079 at SVR Bridgnorth in July
1995. The locomotive had been cosmetically
restored for eventual static display at the
Kidderminster Railway Museum whilst
funds were raised for a new boiler.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
With WILT Members Richard & Catherine
Cooke on the footplate in the shed yard
at SVR Bridgnorth prior to being hauled
down to Hampton Loade by 0-6-0T HE686
of 1898 (in blue 'Thomas' livery) in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Departing from SVR Bridgnorth hauled
by 0-6-0T HE686 of 1898 bound for
Hampton Loade in July 1995.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
'Warwickshire' View from
footplate on arrival at SVR
Hampton Loade in July
1995. The loco is about
to be shunted into the
bay platform to be put
on static display.
(photo: David Cooke)
'Warwickshire' on Temporary
display at SVR Hampton Loade
in July 1995 having been hauled
down from Bridgnorth by 0-6-0T
HE686 of 1898 (in blue livery).
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
On static display at SVR Hampton Loade
in July 1995. 0-6-0T HE686 of 1898
(in blue livery) is also just visible.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926
'Warwickshire' On display
at SVR Hampton Loade
in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
View from the cab of 0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926
'Warwickshire' on display at SVR Hampton
Loade Station in July 1995.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire' In store at
SVR Highley in December
1996 whilst on its way down
to Kidderminster to be placed
on static display at the KRM.
(photo: David Cooke)
'Warwickshire' In store at
SVR Highley in December
1996 whilst on its way down
to Kidderminster to be placed
on static display at the KRM.
(photo: David Cooke)
'Warwickshire' Being shunted
at SVR Kidderminster in
February 1997 prior to
being loaded onto the low
loader for the short road
journey to the Kidderminster
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
At the Kidderminster Railway Museum
on static display in February 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
at Kidderminster Railway Museum
in February 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Soon after arrival at the Kidderminster
Railway Museum on static display in
February 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
With WILT Secretary David Cooke on
the footplate at the Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 1997.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
at Kidderminster Railway Museum
in April 1999.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
at Kidderminster Railway Museum
in May 1999. The loco is thinly
disguised as No.6 'Percy'.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
at Kidderminster Railway Museum
in May 1999. The loco is thinly
disguised as No.6 'Percy'.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
on static display at the Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 1999. The loco
has been thinly disguised as No.6 'Percy'.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
With WILT volunteers during a Members
working day in May 2003 at the
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
On static display at the Kidderminser
Railway Museum in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
View of the cab at the Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
at Kidderminster Railway Museum
in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
View of the cab and firebox at the
in May 2006.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
On Static Display at Kidderminster Railway
Museum in May 2006. The green livery
applied in 1995 had started to fade a
little by this time. The locomotive would
spend another four years in the open air
before its return to SVR Bridgnorth in
November 2010 for its overhaul to begin.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Still on static display at the Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 2008. The
paintwork has suffered even more
since the last photos were taken.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
On static display at the Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 2008.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
During a WILT Members work day at
the Kidderminster Railway Museum
in May 2008. WILT Members (L to R)
Robin Jones, Carl Jones, David Eve,
Nigel Newey, David Cooke, Ray
Newey, and Richard Cooke.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
still on Static Display at Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 2009.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
still on Static Display at Kidderminster
Railway Museum in May 2009.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
At the Kidderminster Railway Museum
looking a little weather worn
on 21st. August 2010.
(photo: Nigel Cripps)
0-6-0ST MW No.2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Almost ready to be removed from its location
(which it had occupied since February 1997)
at the Kidderminster Railway Museum
in September 2010.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
View through the cab window in
September 2010 just prior to the
locomotive being moved from its
location at the Kidderminster Railway
Museum (which it had occupied since
February 1997) to the end of the
Museum siding ready for movement
by road up to SVR Bridgnorth which
occured in November 2010.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
being pushed away from its resting place
in Kidderminster Railway Museum in
September 2010 ready to be transported
up to SVR Bridgnorth by road.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Ready to leave Kidderminster Railway
Museum in September 2010. The move
up to Bridgnorth (by road) would take
place on a very wet day in November.
(photo: David Cooke)
0-6-0ST MW2047 of 1926 'Warwickshire'
Ready to leave the Kidderminster Railway
Museum in September 2010. WILT Trustees
(L to R) Nigel Cripps, David Cooke, Robin
Jones, Tony Wiggall, Carl Jones and Richard
Cooke are lined up in front of the locomotive.
(photo: David Cooke)